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Top 4 Risks for Security Teams and How to Respond to Them

Risk Management Security

An antivirus will not stop a physical attack. Although many businesses are starting to arm themselves against the cyberattacks posed by malware and phishing, it is also important to also take into account physical security. without the right protection measures in place, any business will be left vulnerable to physical threats. Listed below are the top 4 risks for security teams and how to properly respond to them.

Security Risk Assessment #1: Tailgating

Many workplaces are secured with some kind of access control, whether a swipe card access point or a locked door. Unfortunately, these physical security measures are easily overcome by a determined attacker. Tailgating is when an authorized person follows an authorized person into a secured area. This naturally happens as multiple people pass through doors and only the front requires identification. The people following behind will simply follow through.

The good news is that tailgating can be limited using the right physical security measures. If you are willing to make the investment, consider installing anti-tailgating doors. Another way is to give physical security training to your employees. Raise awareness and offer them a rigid physical security policy. Also, encourage them to report tailgating attempts that they witness to security personnel.

Security Risk Assessment #2: Document Theft

Any office is likely to have documents and papers lying around in many places, from printer stations to desks to shelves. Sensitive documents can easily be unaccounted for and even fall into the wrong hands. Even when they are not taken from the office, a visitor can still see information that they are not authorized to see.

One effective way to prevent accidental revelation or theft of documents and information is to come up with a clear desk policy. This kind of policy ensures that all desks are clear and all documents are put away at the end of every workday. This makes it less likely that sensitive documents are left in vulnerable areas. Also, ensure that employees shred sensitive documents if these are no longer needed. To prevent document threats, institute access control and prevent unaccounted people from accessing your workspace.

Security Risk Assessment #3: Unaccounted Visitors

If you do not know who is in the office at a specific time, it can be hard to keep a high level of physical security. Visitors who are unaccounted for pose a serious risk because you do not know if they were present if a particular incident happens.

Consider access control with ID doors and swipe card access for your business. Ensure that all visitors are accounted for by giving them visitor passes. By doing so, you can always know if a person in your building is authorized to be there. As an added security measure, have a log of entry so you can later verify if a particular person was within your building. Make sure that everyone is actually using verification that they are authorized to use.

Security Risk Assessment #4: Stolen Identification

The access control system will only work if everyone uses their own identification. If people who go in and out of your business premises use someone else’s identification, the whole point becomes useless that you might as well as no access control at all.

Educate your employees on the importance of protecting their identification and access cards. Without proper training, employees can share or borrow each other’s cards, making it hard to monitor access. Employees might also be careless with their ID cards unless the importance of protecting them is demonstrated.

Although the right physical measures are crucial in protecting your business, in the end, it will not be the anti-tailgating doors and security barriers that will keep your business safe. Raising awareness of physical security among your staff and encouraging them to take a more active stance in defending the workplace remains to be the most effective way to combat security threats.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security offers excellent security guard services in Melbourne and Sydney. Equipped with some of the most experienced security guards in the province, the team boasts years of experience to ensure that every client is satisfied with the services they receive.

Ensuring a Successful Event with Crowd Management Service

Event Security

Social gatherings are an important part of our lives. They can happen at a concert, the zoo or a restaurant. If you are hosting any kind of event, it is important to hire security for events that can properly handle the crowd to keep everyone safe. Sadly, not everything always works out as expected. Crowds can be unpredictable and even small numbers can go awry. Keeping large groups of people safe will require planning, strategy, and common sense. Although tactics and strategies differ from event to event, most crowd safety practices can be applied to any kind of gathering. Here are some factors to consider to ensure successful security for events.

Knowing the kind of space or event you are setting up is important in creating a safe environment for your guests. You should also know the number of people expected to attend and the number of people the venue can host. Considering these, you would want to make it easy for guests to know where to go using custom signages, barricades, and added fence panels. Remember that effective crowd control is preemptive. Do a little research ahead of time so you can identify unsafe crowd conditions and anticipate how long the crowd control plan is. Here are some important layout factors to consider.

  • Pathways. Use barricades to organize the attendees into lines and give directions to the event area. Be prepared for any movement that may occur throughout the event. See if the guests will move from one area to another, or if you have enough space and time for people to move in between.
  • Set apart designated areas. If you are hosting an event, you have to consider many areas. For events with a stage, set up a backstage area where the performers can prepare. For guests, clear the areas where first aid or restrooms will be stationed. In large events, have a chill-out area, especially if it will be held outdoors in hot weather. Setting apart these areas will ensure that they are not used as pathways.
  • Make it easy to leave. You might have been too focused on getting everyone to the event, but it is very important to think about when the guests want to leave. Having an easy and safe exit can help protect the guests and prevent injuries. Ensure that the exit paths are well lit and clearly marked, especially since the event will take place after dark. Also, consider having alternate routes and multiple exits in case of emergencies.

If an emergency situation arises, it can be hard to efficiently and quickly clear a large space. This is why it is important to have an emergency event crowd control plan. Ensure that all staff know the emergency plan and are trained and ready to help guests exit in an orderly fashion. Get to know the pathways to the exits ahead of time and ensure that they can accommodate if everyone leaves at once. See to it that there is proper lighting, signage and clearly marked exits.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security offers excellent security guard services in Melbourne and Sydney. Equipped with some of the most experienced security guards in the province, the team boasts years of experience to ensure that every client is satisfied with the services they receive.

Benefits of Hiring Security Guards for Workplace

Workplace Safety on COVID-19

If you are a business owner, you might be wondering if hiring security guards for workplace is a smart choice. With civil unrest increasing and the remnants of the COVID-19 pandemic, employees and customers are like have become more predictable than ever. The cost will certainly be a factor, but the benefits of employing professional security personnel should easily outweigh the expense. Even one thwarted security threat can already save you so much money. Here are the benefits of hiring security guards for workplace:

Fewer Crimes

A competent security team can prevent theft, vandalism, and other threats in the workplace and to your employees. These professionals are skilled enough to spot suspicious activities and take the necessary action before it becomes a bigger issue. Would-be criminals can also be deterred from targeting your premises if they know that there are guards around.

Improved Employee Conduct

Security guards can help serve as a disciplinary authorities and ensure that all members of the team follow your rules. Workplace misconduct can cause the business to incur excess costs and even put its reputation on the line. Because they understand the local culture, security guards can also help diffuse certain kinds of altercations between two parties.

Crowd Management

If your business draws a crowd, security guards can assist you with crowd security management, minimizing possible threats like crowd crushing, mob fights, riots, and unruly behavior. The guards can also guide customers on where to line up or how to stay apart. In unruly crowds, guards can implement crowd management tactics to deescalate the situation.

Increased Surveillance

Security guards patrol the premises, let people in and out of the building, respond to alarms, patrol the premises and operate a security gate. A competent security team can use specific surveillance and management software that gives real-time updates of activity on the property, allowing them to detect potential threats and immediately respond to threats.

Added Customer Service

In retail stores, security personnel can assist customers to look for various items or departments. In other kinds of work environments, guards can help people find their destinations and escort them wherever needed. Guards can also be trained to help answer basic questions about the products and services of the company.

Labor Unrest Protection

During strikes and protests, the safety of the business and its employees is crucial. Guards who are familiar with the area can help employees get through picket lines and protests to go to work and ensure that demonstrations held near the place of business remain peaceful. In case crowd escalation happens, they can quickly respond and call for backup.

Brand Exposure

One unconventional yet effective way for security personnel to add value to your business is by increasing brand exposure. For instance, if a guard wears the company uniform or a shirt bearing the company logo, customers can immediately connect your brand with their service. Branded security can improve the business’s overall reputation and image.

Expedited Emergency Response

Security personnel on the premises can respond and manage emergency scenarios quickly until the police arrive. If an employee gets aggressive in the workplace, it would have taken at least 10 minutes for police officers to arrive, which is already enough to cause significant harm. Security firms also give fast and reliable service in non-emergent situations.

Increase Sense of Security

The mere presence of security personnel can help discourage unruly behavior from employees and customers. If the business is in a remote location, it is a good idea to employ security guards for protection. Also, hiring these security professionals stimulates the economy, giving security guards job opportunities to people in the community.

What Should You Expect from Security Guard Services?

hire a security guard

As a property owner, hiring security guard services to watch over your building is a crucial investment. These professionals can be very valuable for property owners; they can save you money or even increase the value of your property. The key here is hiring security guard services who are up to the task. However, the question remains: how can you tell if you are hiring the right company? Here are some things that you can expect from a competent security guard service provider.


Security guards do more than just protect; they also offer hospitality. Whether you own a residential or a commercial property, you want to make people feel comfortable. The guard does not have to intimidate anyone coming through the doors. In fact, they need to do the opposite and make everyone feel comfortable. For residential security services, they can greet guests, sign packages, carry groceries, make replacement keys and hold the door open. To add value to your property, hire a security guard that understands that hospitality is just as crucial as having an intimidating presence.


Every building has its own needs, so there is no blanket strategy that prevents crimes from happening on its premises. There are security services that will offer a strategy for preventing crime but they should be too pushy about it. Usually, the security personnel already know what is best, although there might still be some elements that a building owner wants to be addressed. Work together with the security provider for an onsite assessment to help you evaluable vulnerability, cut out unnecessary spending, keep security costs down and mitigate threats to data, investment, and staff.


Any service provider should be mindful of your requests and needs, but most building owners will leave strategy in the hands of the company that they hire, which is only reasonable. Security service providers should know how to come up with a strategy that will cut down theft without making the paying clients feel nervous. A good security service can create a plan to prevent loss in the business. Theft numbers can be affected by location, which can be very costly for property owners. A competent service should be able to get rid of this problem.


One thing that separates a good security company from a bad one is the kind of people working for them. The former will require thorough background checks and training while the latter will practically hire anyone with a pulse. If you can, go with companies that employ former law enforcement personnel. These retired officers are usually the best options when it comes to security as they already had so much training before they are even recruited. Well-trained guards should be able to assess threats and have the restraint to deal with them using the proper measures.


A security service provider should use all the technology at their disposal to ensure that they are keeping your building secure. Although video monitoring is helpful, it is not the only way for a security company to keep your building safe. Ask potential companies about the kind of technologies and services they use to keep buildings safe. Hire those that use the best technologies in the market. It can be tempting to cut costs by choosing the one that only uses video monitoring, but never compromise. Also, consider additional services like fire watch and virtual concierge surveillance systems.

Security guard services should be able to effectively assess your needs, create a strategy and take note of feedback on where they can put their efforts on. These services hire the best security guards for your property, keeping residents and employees safe all the while stopping crime that might take place.

Concierge Security in Melbourne: What It Is & Why Businesses Need It

Concierge Security Services Melbourne

For any business owner, keeping your property, employees, and customers safe are on top of your priorities. Today, we are seeing a growing number of businesses looking to concierge security in Melbourne as a way to provide security as well as assist with the back end of running the business and making sure that everything is running smoothly at all times.

It is a common misconception that concierge is a term solely used to refer to receptionists. However, when it comes to concierge security services, you are provided with guards trained to the highest standards. They are equipped with the necessary tools to offer many benefits to the business, making them ideal guards for your business.

Below are some of the most significant reasons why it is beneficial to invest in a concierge security service in Melbourne.

  1. A concierge becomes a point of contact for employees and visitors. Because they might be your only employee that faces a client, using such a service in Melbourne offers you a professional trained both in safety and reception etiquette, as well as significantly improve your brand identity.
  2. A concierge can offer other services that other security guards cannot. This includes issuing visitor badges, managing a logbook, handling phone calls, and answering customer queries. This effectively removes the need for more staff members since the concierge already combines reception and security into one.
  3. Concierge security can use their trained eye to give feedback on all areas of the business premises, which should improve the objectives of the company, including client behavior, employee behavior, and other areas that need improvement.
  4. Repeat customers are a more reliable source of income. One way that you can nurture clients to make them want to return is by having a friendly face at the front desk. Compared to a conventional security guard, this can make a customer’s experience more welcoming and casual as they go in and out of your business.
  5. People can sometimes feel intimidated by a static guard and make them feel like danger is imminent because someone is obviously employed to prevent dangerous situations. Concierge security offers a more subtle approach to safety by having a friendly face taking away the fear factor.
  6. Police resources are becoming more and more stretched, which is something that criminals can take advantage of. Having someone on the ground level allows for early and quick response in either limiting or completely preventing danger.
  7. There are high-end brands that need to portray a certain element of sophistication in all things that they do. This includes their security efforts. A concierge has a persona of an approachable and friendly employee with the professionalism, expertise, and experience of trained security personnel. With these professionals, you are given the ideal combination of hospitality and safety for your visitors and staff.
  8. The presence of a person well trained in security is enough to deter those that are intent on making a nuisance and force them to leave your premises.
  9. With the risk of violence, burglaries, and terrorism on the rise in Melbourne, having a person well trained in security at the front desk gives your staff and visitors added peace of mind. Showing your staff that you are committed to their safety boosts their morale, ultimately increasing productivity and attendance. Both are crucial if you are looking to successfully grow your business.

If you are interested to learn more about concierge security in Melbourne and how it can make your business, employees, and clients feel safe, contact a reputable concierge security provider in your area now. These professionals can help you find the best solutions to your needs and deliver high-quality service that exceeds expectations.

Why Do You Require Patrol & Security Services for Your Retail Store?

Mobile Security Patrols Services Sydney

Safety and security are just some of the most important aspects of a business in the retail industry. But if you do not have the right approach and planning in place, commercial security can be very expensive. You might have the best possible professional monitoring system in the market, but unless you have the right personnel to monitor and manage them, you will not get value for your money. Below are some reasons why you need to hire security services for your retail store.

Patrol and Security Services Create a Safe Business Environment

Because every business is at risk of being victimized by crime, many retail stores have in-house security officers to ensure the safety of their employees and property. Get a team that understands your business, customers, and assets that need protection, and work with them in creating a security plan based on these criteria.

Patrol and Security Services Ensure the Best Emergency Response

The first line of defense in protecting a business is a retail security guard. These professionals will ensure that your retail store is safe as possible, respond to emergencies, and alert the authorities as needed. Aside from being trained to protect others in emergencies, they have also learned to control the situation if there is a threat.

Patrol and Security Services Discourage Criminals

Every business is vulnerable to some kind of security risk. Every year, crimes are committed on various businesses, from simple threats to vandalism to physical threats. By hiring security personnel, you can minimize these risks. These professionals help deter crime by looking out for suspicious behavior, providing a crime deterrent, and catching criminals in the act.

Patrol and Security Services Keep the Area Under Surveillance

Hiring patrol and security services can help you strategize a system for alarms, cameras, and other equipment that can help prevent crime and maintain a safer environment for your clients and customers. These companies carry the latest technologies for surveillance and can help you pick the equipment most fit for your store.

Patrol and Security Services Secure the Store during Labor Unrest

Labor unrest and strikes can be harmful to retail businesses. These circumstances can force businesses to shut their doors and threaten the property. A security company can keep the store safe and maintain disruptions to a minimum, allowing owners to focus on their operations instead of resolving security issues.

Patrol and Security Services Handle Issues Efficiently

Many businesses consider security an afterthought. It only gets thought about when something has already happened. Security issues can happen anytime, so hiring security services ensures that these are quickly and efficiently dealt with. Hiring these professionals will ensure that businesses have many resources at their disposal in cases of security issues.

Patrol and Security Services Give Better Customer Service

While security personnel can be an intimidating presence for would-be criminals, they can be a helpful asset to a business owner who has trouble with customer service. On-site security personnel offers customers and employees peace of mind should situations with certain customers escalate, as these guards are trained to handle such situations.

Patrol and Security Services Offer Visual Security and Assistance

Security teams these days have visual security technology to protect clients. This is a simple but effective way to deter criminals. Security systems that include surveillance cameras can keep track of businesses, employees, and merchandise. Another form is having an on-site guard to deter potential criminals.

If you are a business owner, you should know the importance of protecting yourself and your company from the loss of valuable equipment and other threats. You might have security cameras and an alarm system, but this is usually not enough. Hiring a reputable commercial company to professionally monitor your retail store is one of the smartest moves you can make today.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security offers excellent security guard services in Melbourne and Sydney. Equipped with some of the most experienced security guards in the province, the team boasts years of experience to ensure that every client is satisfied with the services they receive.

Why Do You Need to Ensure Tight Security at an Event?

Event Security Sydney

Event organizers have so much to handle and not enough time to do so. You have to get the relevant permits, find a suitable venue, publicize the event, manage tickets, and negotiate with performers, among many others. Despite all these reasons, there are still instances when security is the least of the concerns of the organizers. But do you really need security at your event? The simple answer is yes. Any event could use some security. Here are seven reasons why:

Professional Training and Experience

Event security is well-trained to attend to the security needs of various kinds of events. Unlike in-house employees, these people know what to look for and how to handle different situations. Contractual event security services train their staff on drug awareness, emergency preparedness, threat identification and immobilization, first aid, and crowd control. This guard should know how to spot dangers and use the right dispute resolution approaches.

Crowd Control

Large events can culminate into chaos without proper crowd control. Event security guards manning entrances and exits ensure order and that attendees peacefully enter and exit the venue. They help maintain proper lines so no one is disadvantaged. Security personnel also help with crowd control in cases of emergencies, ensuring attendees leave the venue quickly enough while limiting chaos. They can also help limit casualties in fire accidents, structure collapse, and suspected terrorism.

More Professional and Important Events

Event businesses are show businesses. Potential customers will buy tickets to an event based on their perception of how it will be. This is why many would rather spend so much to see one famous musician than pay a few bucks for local artists. Perception also extends to how well things are organized. Organized guards, give an impression of a safe and well-planned event.

Make People Feel Safe

Nobody wants to attend an event where they are constantly checking the parking lot to ensure their vehicles are still intact. Security officers give a semblance of safety. With these professionals around, the organizers can prioritize client safety. The mere presence of security guards can deter criminals from stealing, especially since they can identify malicious characters and have contact with law enforcement officers.

Point of Authority

You might already have a few employees stationed throughout various areas of your event. But the bigger it gets, the more insufficient your personnel become. Security guards can complement the few staff on-site guiding the guests. Plus, because this uniformed personnel is more conspicuous and trustworthy, guests can easily spot them for clarification and trust whatever information they give as true and genuine.

Focus on Other Aspects of the Event

Planning and managing a successful event can be very rigorous and involve a lot of running back and forth. If you want to handle security on your own, you will most likely find yourself overwhelmed and overlook a few essential roles. It can be hard to monitor cars in the parking lot and manage the performance lineup. Having a team managing the security aspect of the event can give you one last thing to worry about.

Venue Requirement

There are times when you need to list the services of professional event security as a prerequisite to getting the facility to hold the event. If you want to hold an event on private property, chances are that you will be required to hire security personnel to show to the property owner that you prioritize safeguarding their venue. Depending on the expected crowd size, local police departments might require you to hire guards.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security offers excellent security guard services in Melbourne and Sydney. Equipped with some of the most experienced security guards in the province, the team boasts years of experience to ensure that every client is satisfied with the services they receive.

What are Event Security Services, and When is the Need to Opt for Them?

Event Security in Melbourne

Hiring security services for your event should be one of the main steps in the whole planning process. Whether you are hosting a wedding, party, sporting event, corporate event, or any gathering, having event security onsite ensures that your attendees are safe and your facility intact. There are lots of reasons why people should hire event security.

When hosting an event in an area that has high crime, having event security gives assurance to guests and minimizes the risk of theft and similar crimes. If alcohol is served at the event, having security officers present in the facility can lower the threat of property damage and personal injuries that can happen because of drunkenness.

What is Exactly Event Security?

Event security is a helpful service usually sought after by event planners who know that the success of an event relies on the safety and security of the venue participants. Experienced security officers can aid in enhancing the guest experience and reducing liabilities. In most instances, event security is needed to host a big event at a third-party facility because of insurance and compliance requirements.

Event security can include various services, like security strategy, alarm system, crown control, and surveillance. Security guards should be present in events where a large number of people will gather, high profile guests are invited, expensive items are involved, or if insurance liability requirements require security measures

How does Event Security help in Events?

When emergencies or accidents happen, people can react in an uncontrolled manner. This can give rise to problems with unclear directions, overcrowded exits, or unfamiliar surroundings. Security officers can execute emergency plans, give crowd control, and give access to emergency personnel. In distressing situations, maintaining order is crucial. In emergency situations, security guards can assist attendees in locating exits.

The larger the crowd, the higher the risk that something can go wrong. Event security is trained to manage big groups of exerting authority as needed. Security guards can monitor registration lines to keep them organized and prevent guests from line breaking, ensure guests do not enter staff-only areas and prevent guests from blocking the exits. They can also keep track of the number of people entering and exiting the venue.

  • Give guests peace of mind. When guests are invited to an event, they expect to feel comfortable and safe. Hiring event security services give planners the confidence that the safety of their attendees and the integrity of the venue are maintained. Security guards checking bags at entrances reduces the possibility of forbidden weapons and other suspicious objects.
  • Prevent party crashers. Despite having a guest list, uninvited guests are still an unfortunate possibility. Having event security onset can prevent these guests from interfering with the event or the safety of the invited guests. Stationing security guards at the door can reduce rogue intruders. They can also discreetly remove or block unwelcome guests.
  • Decrease the chance of theft. Theft is common in big events. If people are in close proximity to one another, there is a big chance that wallets, jewelry, or other items are stolen from guests. Security guards can deter criminal activity and lower theft threats, vandalism, and other crimes. Theft can also happen outside the building, so stationing guards around the premises helps.

To learn more about the benefits of hiring event security services or getting experienced security officers for your upcoming event or party, reach out to a reputable security service provider in your area. This might further convince you to finally hire the services of these security professionals.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security offers excellent security guard services in Melbourne and Sydney. Equipped with some of the most experienced security guards in the province, the team boasts years of experience to ensure that every client is satisfied with the services they receive.

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Security Company

Security Guard Services

Hiring a good security service for your company is one of the best decisions that you can make. Security guard services give you peace of mind by protecting your customers, employees, and inventory, freeing you to focus on the other aspects of your business. However, hiring the wrong one will wind up costing you so much more. You need to ensure that the security team you hire is skilled, capable, and willing to cater to the needs of the company.

Thorough research on the security company you are looking to hire and understanding what they can do to address your security concerns is important. Before signing the contract, it helps to ask tough questions so you can avoid these common mistakes people usually make when hiring security guards. Take note of these common mistakes to avoid when hiring a security company.

  1. Hiring a security company that does not offer a tailored solution. Be wary of security professionals if they think they know about your business more than you do. There are teams who try to do things their own way, usually at the expense of your company. Remember that security is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
  2. Hiring a security company that does not focus on prevention. Prevention is crucial to effective security. The security company should assess your location and suggest techniques to prevent crime. If they only focus on aggressive security, you miss out on some added peace of mind and even open yourself up to potential lawsuits.
  3. Hiring a security company that does not have uniform options. See if your security guards will be uniformed in accordance with your business. Find out if they will dress the part and blend into your business premises. Depending on the security task, this can mean wearing polos, suits, and ties, police-style uniforms, or a personal guard in plain clothes.
  4. Hiring a security company without checking the reviews. Check the reputation of the security company before you hire them. Start by searching for established firms that are familiar with the operating services in your area. Do a Google search and read customer reviews to get an idea of the quality of their work.
  5. Hiring a security company without checking their license. Inquire about the local licensing and insurance coverage of security companies in your place. For example, armed guards are legally licensed to offer protection services for your business. Also, ask about insurance so you are protected if something ever happens.
  6. Hiring a security company with the lowest bid. Good security is usually not cheap. Although it seems that you can save money by going with the most affordable firm, scrimping on experienced guards may end up costing you more by giving inadequate protection and less peace of mind.
  7. Hiring a security company with no backup unit. But will happen if one of your hired guards misses a shift or does not jive well with your business environment? What plans does the team have in place to ensure that you are always protected? A reliable backup team will never leave you scrambling for security.
  8. Hiring a security company without considering your goals. Inform the security company of the kinds of protection you need right at the very beginning. A good security team will address the needs of your business first. Never blindly follow good reviews or settle for companies that offer ill-fitted solutions.

Hiring a security team for your company means you are putting your life in their hands, so you must choose wisely. Now that you know the mistakes people usually make when picking a security team, make sure that you ask a lot of questions. Only move forward with the hiring process once you have received good answers to your concerns.